The Articles of Incorporation
- The Articles of Incorporation, as amended, is the legal document that establishes the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Association, Inc. (MGCA) as a Pennsylvania corporation.  The organization was originally established on March 17, 1892 as the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Association of the United Brethern [sic] in Christ.

The Charter - The Charter, which is based on the Articles of Incorporation, identifies the purpose, scope, authority, and general governing structure of the organization.  The Charter may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Managers after three readings at regular business meetings.

The Bylaws - The Bylaws serve as the Association’s administrative operating manual.  In addition to the Charter, they identify the purpose, scope, and authority of the organization, the size of the Board of Managers and how it will function, who the Association’s Membership is, composition of Board committees, roles and duties of managers and officers, and rules and procedures for holding meetings, electing managers, and appointing officers. The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Managers after two readings at regular business meetings.

Rules & Regulations - The Rules and Regulations are a set of requirements governing the conduct of Association Members, tenants, and guests.  They are intended to promote and ensure the safety and welfare of the community. Members who are found by the Board of Managers to have violated provisions of the Rules and Regulations may be required to pay a fine plus cost of prosecution. Rules and Regulations may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the Board of Managers.

Policies - Policies document guiding principles on how the Association and Members will behave in specific situations. They may elaborate on how Bylaws and Rules & Regulations will be applied. Policies may come with some element of discretionary authority.  Outline of who may exercise such discretion must be specified within the policy and discretionary use must be reported to the Board at the next regular Board meeting. Members who fail to comply with a particular policy may incur consequences such as having an associated privilege withheld.  Policies and policy changes may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the Board of Managers.

Procedures - Procedures are the steps that should be taken to comply with a given Bylaw, rule, or policy or to perform a particular task. Procedures may change over time in order to reflect actual practice. Procedures do not need to be approved by the Board of Managers but are adopted at the discretion of the relevant committee chair.

Forms - Forms are the means of collecting information related to Association business. They may be paper or electronic and are structured to ensure that all necessary information is collected.  Forms and form amendments must be reviewed by the Policy and Procedures Committee before being presented to the Executive Committee or Board of Managers for review and possible adoption.

Adopted 11/26/2021

Campmeeting Rules and Regulations

Owners of Campmeeting properties automatically become members of the Mt Gretna Campmeeting Association Inc . As such, we are subject to the Association's rules and regulations and beneficiary of its many services.

We elect our neighbors to be on the Board of Managers. They volunteer their time to listen to us, and together with the other Managers on the Board, to maintain our services (police, water, sewer, disposal, etc.), and to formulate plans, rules, and regulations for the common good.

Charter and Bylaws
The Charter states the legal purpose, scope, and structure of the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Association, Inc.

The Bylaws specify the rules and regulations of how the corporation will conduct its business.

Charter & Bylaws Booklet (Rev 2024)

Rules and Regulations
To maintain a safe and desirable community, the following Rules and Regulations, applicable to property owners, their tenants and guests, were revised and adopted by the Board of Managers on February 20, 2024:

Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations Highlights for Visitors, Guests, and Renters
The Campmeeting has prepared a brief summary with highlights of the rules and regulations to serve as a guide for guests and home renters in the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting grounds: Renter Highlights

Recent Changes to Rules and Regulations
On April 19, 2022, the Board of Managers adopted changeds to Rule 4, the Trash Rule.
On October 18, 2022, the Board of Managers adopted changes to Rule 17, the Quiet Hours and Quiet Season Rule.
On November 15, 2022, the Board of Managers adopted changes to Rule 16, the Tree Rule.
On January 17, 2023, the Board of Managers adopted changes to the Procedure for Amending Rules and Regulations.
On March 27, 2023, the Board of Managers adopted changes to Rule 16, the Tree Rule, and to Part B. of Procedures for Violations, Penalties, Variances and Appeals.

Quiet Hours
According to Rule #17 in our Rules & Regulations handbook, all residents within the borders of the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting are expected to maintain "Quiet Hours" all day Sunday, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Friday and Saturday. In addition, quiet hours are in effect all day beginning July 15th and going through August 31st every summer for our "Quiet Season".

"High decible power tools, such as saws and leaf blowers, and manual work, such as framing and roofing, are prohibited. Moderate noise created by indoor work is acceptable. Painting and landscaping are permitted." (Rule & Regulations Handbook, excerpt from Rule #17)

Campmeeting Policies & Procedures

This section is under construction; not all MGCA policies are present. Click on the name of the policy to view and/or download it.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Leaf Collection Procedure

Executive Committee

Assessment Payment Plan Policy
Easement Policy
Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
Full-Time Employee Paid Holiday Policy
Whistleblower Policy

Nominating Committee

Voting Member Designation Policy

Property Ownership Committee

MGCA Home Rental Policy

Proposed Changes to Bylaws, Rules, and Policies

The Board of Managers will periodically post proposed changes to the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and policies on the website for MGCA Member comment. Member comments are welcome and appreciated.

The Board of Managers is proposing some minor edits to the MGCA Charter.

The timeline below outlines the steps the Board intends to take to approve an updated, compliant version of the Charter of the Mt. Gretna Campmeeting.

  • June 18, 2024 - A "first reading" presentation of the proposed new Bylaws will occur during the June Board of Managers Meeting. Open comment period during the Board of Managers Meeting (Completed)
  • July 15, 2024 - Charter and related electronic comments reviewed in the Board Working Session
  • July 16, 2024 - A "second reading" of the proposed Charter will occur during the July Board of Managers Meeting.
  • August 15, 2024 - Electronic comment period closes
  • August 19, 2024 - Bylaws and related electronic comments reviewed in Board Working Session
  • August 20, 2024 - A "third reading" of the proposed Charter will occur during the August Board of Managers Meeting.
  • August 20, 2024 - A vote of the Board of Managers may be taken to adopt the proposed changes to the Charter.

Building Permits

The Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Association's Rules & Regulations state in Rule #10 that, "When building, remodeling, or renovating their properties, MGCA Members must obtain all required building permits and comply with all applicable building codes as mandated by West Cornwall Township ..."

The Building & Grounds Committee developed an information sheet to serve as a guide to MGCA Members who may wonder when they do and do not need a building permit. It can be viewed at the following link.

Building Permit Information Sheet

If you still have any questions about the building permit process, please feel free to contact the Superintendent of Grounds through the "Contact Us" tab.

The building permit application can be requested from our office or downloaded from the following link. The form can be filled and submitted with attachments via e-mail, or printed, filled out, and mailed to our office.

Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Building Permit Form

Tree Removal Permits

The Mt. Gretna Campmeeting Association’s Rules & Regulations state in Rule #16 that, “Prior to removing any tree, MGCA Members must submit a Tree Removal Permit for approval by the Board of Managers. Members must submit a tree evaluation from a certified arborist or a certified forester as part of the tree removal permit application if the tree shows any signs of life. An evaluation by a certified arborist or certified forester will not be necessary for a dead tree as determined by the MGCA Tree Committee Chair or their designee.” To read Rule #16 in its entirety, refer to the Rules & Regulations handbook.

The Tree Removal Permit can be requested from our office or downloaded from the following link. The form can be filled and submitted with attachments via email, or printed, filled out, and mailed to our office.

Tree Removal Application Form

The Campmeeting has also prepared a list of certified arborists and tree removal companies that you may want to consult.

MGCA Recommended Tree Service Companies